Five Tails Communication

Healing our animals. Healing ourselves.

Animal Communication and Energy Healing can help to deepen the bond and love between a human and their animal. By communicating with and healing our animals, we can also heal ourselves.

Welcome to Five Tails Communication

If you’ve ever wondered what your animal is thinking, why they are doing what they are doing, or are looking for additional ways to help and support your animal – then you are in the right spot! My name is Jamie, and I am an Animal Communicator and provide Energy Healing for both humans and their animals.

I came to Animal Communication wanting to be able to help my own cats on their respective journeys and found that it filled my heart to be able to help others with their animals. I sincerely believe that by working with and healing our animals, we also end up healing ourselves in ways that we didn’t think possible.   

What Is Animal Communication?

Animals communicate with us and each other using telepathy which is the transference of pictures, feelings and words. Telepathy is a skill we are all born with but over time we lose the ability and confidence to use it or rely on it as we learn to communicate with words. 

How Can Animal Communication Help?

Animal Communication can help with many different aspects of our relationships with our animals. Perhaps they are sick, acting differently than usual, or you are curious about what they are thinking and feeling, and how you can make their lives better. I can connect with your animal to find out about their essence, who they are, their favorite things, to see how they are feeling, and to ask any questions that you may have for them. 

Here are some areas that animal communication can help with: 

  • Behaviour issues such as aggression or excessive barking
  • Inappropriate elimination
  • Working through various fears (i.e. storms, noises, fireworks)
  • Anxiety and nervousness
  • Conflicts within the home
  • Dealing with past or present traumas and grief
  • Preparation for passing over the rainbow bridge or connecting with those that have already crossed
  • Preparation for a big change, such as moving to a new home or welcoming a new addition to the home, and adjusting after it happens
  • Getting to know and understand your animal better

What Is Energy Healing?

We are all energetic beings and energy flows through us every moment of the day. Energy Healing comes in many different forms and formats but the intent is the same – to get our energy moving so that we can heal and feel like our best selves. 

I currently offer EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique or tapping) and Scalar Wave.

How Can Energy Healing Help?

EFT or tapping can help with:

  • Behavioural issues
  • Fears, anxiety, and nervousness 
  • Releasing emotions that no longer serve
  • Conflicts, traumas, and grief
  • And so much more! 

Scalar Wave can help with:

  • Anxiety and nervousness
  • Promoting healing from injury or illness
  • Quicker recovery from surgery
  • Relaxation
  • General well-being