
I currently offer Animal Communication, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping) and Scalar Wave. 

EFT and Scalar Wave are considered to be forms of Energy Healing.

Photo Credit: Savvy Cat Photography

Animal Communication

Have you ever wondered what your animal was thinking? Or thought that they were trying to tell you something but you just don’t understand what they are trying to say? 

Photo Credit: Savvy Cat Photography

Energy Healing

Energy Healing comes in many different forms and is beneficial for both ourselves and our animals. EFT and Scalar Waves are powerful tools that can help us to heal on different levels.

Animals communicate with us and each other using telepathy which is the transference of pictures, feelings and words. Have you ever thought “I bet Fido would like to go for a walk” and he’s already waiting at the door with the leash in his mouth? Have you ever been out for a walk, and you just know that Fido wants to go right rather than left? That’s telepathy and intuition at work! Fido was sending you telepathic messages and you were receiving them even if you didn’t consciously recognize it. Telepathy is a skill we are all born with. Over time we lose the ability and confidence to use it or rely on it as we learn to communicate with words.


There are times when our animals are trying to tell us something and we just aren’t understanding them. It’s frustrating for them and it’s frustrating for us. As with our human relationships, it’s so easy to not communicate clearly, to have misunderstandings and to end up with hurt feelings and anger on both sides. We can get unintentionally blinded by our own thoughts and emotions that we can’t see the other persons or animals’ perspective. That’s where animal communication comes in. I can listen to your animal and pass along what they have to say which often results in a better understanding of one another and changed perspectives. A deeper bond and connection is formed between you and your animal.


To start, I connect with your animal and learn about who they are, what they like or dislike, and just listen to what they want to tell or show me. I am able to ask specific questions and to get information that they are willing to share with me. I do have to honor what they feel comfortable sharing with me. Some animals are open books and will tell me their life story – they are so excited to be heard! While others take a few communications to feel comfortable with me and to earn their trust. Every animal and their communication is unique to them and to their owners.


If you are just curious as to what your animal has to say, or if you are dealing with behavioral, emotional or medical issues, Animal Communication is an ideal way to better understand our companions, their thoughts and their feelings.

Appointment Types

Animal Communication -
1 Hour Session

The 1-hour Animal Communication consists of approximately 30 minutes for me to communicate with your animal, and approximately 30 minutes for us to go through the communication either by phone, Zoom or WhatsApp. Please note that I will complete the communication BEFORE the appointment time for our call.

This option is best for animals that I have not communicated with before, or if you have a number of questions or concerns that you would like me to ask your animal about.

Price: $100 CAD

Animal Communication -
30 Minute Session

The 30-minute Animal Communication consists of approximately 15 minutes for me to communicate with your animal, and approximately 15 minutes for us to go through the communication either by phone, Zoom or WhatsApp. Please note I will complete the communication BEFORE the appointment time for the call.

This option is best if I have communicated with your animal before and you have one or two questions that you would like me to follow up with them on.

Price: $60 CAD

Animal Communication -Animals That Have Crossed - 1 Hour Session

Losing a beloved animal is a heartbreaking time filled with sadness, grief and often guilt. We often wonder did I do the right thing and make the right decisions for them? Did they suffer too much or hold on for too long? We question ourselves and of course, we miss our beloved terribly. It’s comforting to know that their spirit and energy remains regardless of what form they are in. I can connect with your beloved through Animal Communication so you can be reminded of their essence, can get any messages they may have, and can hopefully ease the pain in your heart.

Price: $100 CAD

Energy Healing has many different modalities and each one offers something slightly different in the way it is conducted, practiced and experienced. I don’t believe that there is one modality that is better than the other. They are all equally powerful in their own unique ways. Over the years I have tried a number of modalities out, some simply because I was curious, and some to help me along the way of my own healing journeys. All of them are fascinating and offered me different areas of calm and healing. Several of them have also spurred me to learn more about them and I have taken courses in Theta Healing and Reiki. I currently offer EFT/Tapping and Scalar Wave, and I am a student in Acupressure. The list is long of the other modalities I want to learn next!

How can Energy Healing help?

I love the thorough explanation my teacher, Joan Ranquet, uses in one of her books so I have chosen to quote her here:

“Energy Healing can help or even reverse the symptoms of almost anything you can think of including, but not limited to, allergies, diabetes, cancer, aging, nerve challenges, insulin resistance, infections and much, much more…

Energy Healing can support the nervous system, cardiovascular system, immune system, endocrine system, digestive system and, of course, the chakra system and the meridian system. It’s also wonderful for challenges including hip dysplasia, arthritis and overcoming major injuries. Energy Healing is excellent for enhancing post-surgical healing and especially when your animal is fighting for his or her life.

While Energy Healing addresses the physical demands of an illness, injury or condition, it also helps to release any emotional baggage that comes with the illness, injury or condition. If the challenge is simply emotional, Energy Healing will help rapidly as animals can’t go to talk therapy. Okay, they can with a good Animal Communicator – but you still have to move the emotion up and out! Energy Healing can do that – and so much more.

Psychological barriers such as being afraid to do something again after an injury, i.e., a horse that was injured during a jump or a dog that was in the car when you had an accident, can be addressed through Energy Healing. Grief can be supported through Energy Healing, too.

While animals aren’t spiritual in the same way we are, there are some very tragic times when animals have “lost faith” in humans and act out in ways I consider to be symptomatic of a spiritual breakdown. It would appear to be a total loss of faith in something different from them. Then, they don’t even trust themselves. Energy Healing can definitely assist in rebuilding a lasting trust and love.

The amazing part of energy work is that it can be done while the patient is present with contact (hands-on). It can be experienced sitting across the room or it can be performed at a longer distance (remote healing).”

From: Energy Healing for Animals: Techniques to Enhance the Health, Longevity and Happiness of the Animals We Love by Joan Ranquet (Sounds True)


Photo Credit: Savvy Cat Photography


EFT works on recognizing and releasing emotions from our body so that we aren’t as reactive to them.

Photo Credit: Savvy Cat Photography

Scalar Wave

Scalar Wave works on the bodys electromagnetic field and energy centres to promote wellness and healing.


With EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping) we tap on meridian points in the body to help release and calm emotions. This can help to release or minimize emotional triggers, fears, and trapped emotions. Tapping on the various meridian points helps to calm the bodies central nervous system down. It gets us out of a fight or flight mode and into a rest and relax mode. EFT can help with any issue imaginable from both a human and animal perspective. 

In an EFT session, you will pick an issue or event that you would like to work on. An example may be, you have a dog that has become very leash exuberant after an altercation with another dog. In the human session, we will investigate how you are feeling about the incident or event. During the animal session, we will investigate the event from the dogs’ perspective.

We tap on the human first as quite often we have emotions around the issue or event that are in turn impacting our animals. In the example of leash exuberance, you could be getting tense and anxious before a walk thinking “Oh no here we go again. I hope this isn’t as bad as last time.” The dog will pick up on that anxiety and in turn becomes anxious itself. By calming you, we can in turn help to calm the dog – it’s a two for one impact! We will then tap on the animal with its own script that I’ve created from the investigation. As we do the tapping, both the human and animal will experience energetic releases as the emotions and associated energies are released. Energetic releases can come in many forms. For humans they typically can be yawns, sighs, tears, or a sensation of emotions or energy draining from your body. For animals, energetic releases may be yawning, licking thier lips, big stretches, sighs or changes in their breath. Everyone usually feels calmer, lighter, and relaxed after a session. 

It can take several sessions to work through the various emotional layers of an event or issue. We may also find that dealing with one particular emotional element brings up others that we can look at and work on as well. We are complex beings after all! I recommend trying three sessions and see how you feel from there. You can take advantage of package rate for three sessions.

EFT sessions will be held over Zoom, WhatsApp or in person (additional travel surcharge may apply). I like to use Zoom or WhatsApp so that you can see me to understand where the tapping points are and to be able to follow along as we move through the script and the points. Each session will be about an hour in length.

If your animal won’t let you tap on them or they aren’t nearby – don’t worry! There are a number of other options that we can explore in our session, and they will still get the benefit.

Appointment Types

Energy Healing: EFT For You Or Your Animal

EFT sessions are approximately an hour in length. The first 20-30 minutes of the session will be discussing what it is that you want to work on and creating the script that we will use for tapping. The next 30 minutes will be spent on tapping for either you or your animal.

Price: $100 CAD

Package Of 3 EFT Sessions

Enjoy a bundled, reduced price for three EFT sessions that can be shared between you and your animal.

Please indicate in your booking if I will be working on you or your animal.

Price: $250 CAD


I’m sure that you are wondering what Scalar Wave is?! Most people haven’t heard of it before but that doesn’t lessen its power. Dr. Valerie Hunt discovered and pioneered the BioScalar Wave technique through her research and work with UCLA and beyond. Joan Ranquet was introduced to this technique in the 1990’s and started to use it for her own healing practices. She eventually started to teach it because of its powerful ability to promote healing and wellness.

I like to describe Scalar Wave is being similar to reiki, which most people have heard of, but with an extra “punch” to it. During a session, I will work on the chakras, which are energy centers in the body. I bring in additional energy with the scalar wave and work on clearing the body’s electromagnetic field by running energy through the body. This all promotes healing and relaxation. It helps to relax the body, to get energy moving and to help put the body back into balance and into a healing state. Scalar Wave can be done on both humans and animals and is quite beneficial and relaxing for both.

Appointment Types

Energy Healing: Scalar Wave For You Or Your Animal

If booking for yourself, please allow an hour or so for yourself where you can relax and have some well-deserved quiet time.

If booking for your animal, please allow an hour or so for your animal when they can have some quiet time. Please avoid times where your animal is typically active such as walks, rides or lessons.

I will contact you to let you know when I am starting the session and when I have closed the session. If you want to share your observations, your animals experience and to hear what I experienced while working on you or your animal, we can chat after the session.

Price: $100 CAD

Package Of 3 Scalar Wave Sessions

Enjoy a bundled, reduced price for three Scalar Wave sessions that can be shared between you and your animal.

Please indicate in your booking if I will be working on you or your animal.

Price: $250 CAD


A gift card is the perfect gift for those animal lovers in your life that are hard to buy for! It allows you to share the magic that is Animal Communication and Energy Healing and they can choose what serves them best.

To redeem a gift card – Please contact me for a Booking.